Perfect with one exception
My 2.5 year old loves this game. Shes been playing it for months, and now she knows all her capital letters, and is starting on the "baby" ones. (If we are using our PC, she plays "Babysmash" instead, which was deliberately copied from AlphaBaby in order to share the joy.) The only problem I have is that you have no access to a mute key when the program is active. Therefore, if you fall asleep in a hotel room with the computer still set to AlphaBaby, you have to audibly go through the escape sequence (q-u-i-t) at whatever volume you were playing at. This effectively locked me out of using my computer after the kid fell asleep a number of times on a recent trip. Other than that, the program is smooth and crisp and worth all 99 pennies the developers are asking.
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